Sitting here on my futon with the door of my utility trailer open to the roaring Arkansas River following a thunderstorm. Eating Dolmas and pita chips after a day of shooting – which started off by a good breakfast with my neighbors and fellow artists from Florida at their campsite beside me.
I was like a kid in a candy store earlier crawling down the bank of a creek, through Poison Ivy and brush. Here, off in the back-roads, lay several old vehicles with water running through and around, moss, spider webs, and overgrowth. BEAUTIFUL! Waiting for little spurts of light through the thick trees and making due with the overcast. A sort of paradise as I step down onto a large boulder to find it give a little – like the top of an old car! 😀
Before I descended, the county water commissioner drove by and after I swung my mirror around and moved a large rock to let him pass my truck, we chatted and he told me they were put there originally 30-40 years ago as rural ‘erosion-control’.
After a while, it started to rain, so I headed back into to town for a long walk with an new friend and a bite to eat along the river watching kids float by and kayakers practice. Then when the Sun came out later, I drove back out – but alas by time I arrived, it had gone down behind the mountain. Tomorrow I will go back with my wet shoes and hopefully a little more sun, then maybe off to a mining town.
Alright time to bungy the door and lay down in my sweats for a chilly night…
 Of course, pics later 😉