Corpus – March 25-27
2nd year
Omaha – June 10-12
1st year!
Corpus – March 25-27
2nd year
Omaha – June 10-12
1st year!
Second year show for me – really love indoor shows… especially in West Texas 😉
Got up about 6 am this morning and was hustling down the outside steps to help Marcella. Guess I got about halfway down then THUD – slide – bump – slide – bump – slide – bump – slide – bump – slide to rest at the bottom. Sorry about all the noise Crestview neighborhood, but it hurt! After a bit of yelling and Marcella asking if I was OK, managed to get up and hobble over. Was swollen all across my lower back and iced it down to a small grapefruit. Went back to bed for a while.
Still feels like a log strapped across my back & painful numb, but I can walk and touch my toes so guess I’ll be alright 😉
…Looks like the first step I hit was one I repaired this last weekend and it held – so good job me 😉
This is a new show for me and I am really happy to be attending!
See the Cottonwood Art Festival website.