This Texan is enjoying the relatively cooler weather up here in St. Louis! Really nice weekend and great people and awesome artists Great hanging out with my neighbors and seeing photographers Brian and meeting Todd – great work guys! 🙂
Great accommodations on the grounds of Eden Seminary a couple minutes (really) walk from my booth! 😀
And very very special Thanks to Janice & Asa and everyone who took care of me after after I got wiped out by a kid racing through on a bike. Banged up ribs. Laid out in the aisle for a while, but eventually returned to my booth. Thanks to the patron I was helping for leaving a note- didn’t abandon you guys 😉 And I finally heeded, the ‘dont touch that’ and ‘don’t pick that up Jamie!’ Sunday on tear-down. Doc told me to take it easy, so I’m trying…
‘Mean Green..’ made it’s debut on limited edition canvas canvas, getting orders for larger pieces, and pretty much sold out of all my ceramic tile coasters…
Hope to go shoot & hang out in the are with Todd, who’s a local with great personality (& work). Then heading towards Richmond, Virginia to ‘see what I can see’…